
What is Spasticity?

Spasticity is a disorder that affects the muscles and causes them to become stiff and difficult to control. The condition can be painful, and many people living with spasticity find it difficult to move around or perform everyday activities.

A variety of underlying conditions can cause spasticity, including cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury. Treatment for spasticity often includes medications, physical therapy, and surgery. However, these treatments can be expensive, and the results are variable from one patient to the next.

Many people have turned to medical marijuana as a treatment for spasticity. While scientific studies on this new treatment option are still ongoing, many people say that marijuana has helped them to reduce the stiffness and pain associated with spasticity.

How Does Spasticity Disrupt Your Life?

Spasticity can make it difficult to perform everyday activities such as walking, dressing, and eating. The condition can also cause pain and fatigue. In severe cases, spasticity can lead to contractures, which are permanent deformities of the joints.

The symptoms of spasticity can vary depending on the underlying condition. They may be mild or severe and can come and go over time. Common symptoms include:

  • Muscles that are tight or stiff
  • Painful muscle spasms
  • Limited mobility
  • Fatigue

Muscle spasms or pain in the back, legs, or arms can make it difficult to concentrate or sleep. Spasticity can also cause anxiety and depression, making finding an effective treatment a priority.

If you think you may be suffering from spasticity, it's important to see a doctor. Spasticity can be a debilitating condition, but there are treatments available that can help improve your quality of life.

How Can Medical Marijuana Help With Spasticity?

Medical marijuana has shown promise as an effective treatment for spasticity. Numerous studies have linked medical cannabis to lower inflammation and reduced pain perception. Cannabis may calm muscle spasticity in some patients.

The compounds in medical marijuana interact with the nervous system in a way that may reduce pain in the back and limbs, curb muscle spasms, and decrease inflammation. In light of these findings, Texas has approved spasticity as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana, making it legal to obtain a cannabis prescription as part of your treatment plan.

See If You Qualify in Under 60 Seconds With Texas 420 Doctors

If you suffer from spasticity, our online telemedicine portal can help you quickly qualify for a medical cannabis recommendation in Texas. To get started, you will simply answer a few questions about your medical history and symptoms.

Next, you’ll set up a private, secure consultation with one of our licensed doctors. The doctor will speak with you about recommended dosages and how medical cannabis can complement any existing treatment regimen you may have. Throughout the year, your physician will be in touch to review and modify your treatment as needed.

All of our Texas 420 Doctors are board-certified physicians registered with CURT. Discover more about how to get a medical marijuana card in Texas or contact us with any questions. We're happy to guide you through the process.

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